O-CHA 2001Ä}ß[ÄN Japanese English O-CHA 2001 O-CHA 2001
World O-CHA Festival 2001 - MENU

O-CHA 2001

Reproduction of Siebold's tea Corner

3rd Floor

Tea that had been taken to Holland by Siebold in early 19th century was reproduced. Demonstration of hand making of the tea based on various sources attracted visitors. 1."Unique technique of hand making of tea" attracted the visitors. 2.People tried the tea Siebold drank 170 years ago.

Reproduction of Siebold's tea Corner
"Unique technique of hand making of tea" attracted the visitors.

People tried the tea Siebold drank 170 years ago
People tried the tea Siebold drank 170 years ago.

Kuchigiri no gi(Hon Yama-cha) Corner

3rd Floor

The corner offered round flavored tea, which is drunk in late fall and which Ieyasu Tokugawa favored. Visitors enjoyed trying Hon Yama-cha that won the Gold Award on O-CHA Frontier Competition.

Trying tea is always popular
Trying tea is always popular
Reproduction of Kuchigiri no gi
Reproduction of Kuchigiri no gi
a flag for Honyama tea
O-CHA 2001<<Back to MENU
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(O-CHA(tea) promotion Office, Shizuoka Prefectural Govermment)
Shizuoka O-CHA Plaza, 14-1 Minamicho, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture, 422-8067 Japan
Tel:+81-54-221-3335 Fax:+81-54-221-1480 E-mail:wof@pref.shizuoka.lg.jp